EELA Project
LIFE Academy was engaged in the EELA Project (2020-2024) by supporting the Swedish Energy Agency in the set up and development of a capacity development framework for training within the SADC and EAC regions. The training consisted of both onsite and online sessions with focus on the key areas within the EELA Project such as lighting, clean cooling, productive use and market development. The EELA Project was coordinated by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and financed by the Swedish international development agency (Sida).

Mandate and Scope of Work
The EELA Project aimed to ignite a market transformation for energy-efficient lighting and appliances across the EAC and SADC regions. This ambitious undertaking seeks to create the perfect conditions, both in terms of market dynamics and institutions, to drive the widespread adoption of efficient lighting products and appliances across all sectors. By facilitating regional regulatory and trade harmonization interventions, the project empowered private sector-led activities, leading to the widespread use of energy-efficient, high-quality lighting and appliances. It is noteworthy that inclusivity was a core principle, ensuring socially sustainable outcomes for all project activities.
The ultimate goal of the EELA Project is to enhance access to modern energy services in various sectors while promoting active private sector involvement, thereby spearheading sustainable development in the region.
Read more on the EELA project’s website, here.
E-Learning Platform
The EELA project started an E-learning platform with the goal to strengthen the competence of key stakeholders and ignite the development of an enabling market for energy-efficient lighting and appliances. This online training space was a gateway to capacity development, offering knowledge and expertise to fuel progress. Accessible for free, our pre-recorded modules empowered users to undergo training at their convenience, on their terms.
Visit the E-learning platform, here.
Project Partners

Technical Project Partners