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Nominate a Change Agent of the Year!

LIFE Academy started the award, Change Agent of the Year, in 2015 and we have since then chosen a person suitable for the award ourselves. This has resulted in a lot of inspiring Change Agents of the Year, truly worthy of the award. However, we recently realised that no one knows more about the great work within sustainable development being done in our network than our LIFE alumni themselves. Therefore, we are now opening the opportunity for you as a LIFE alumni to nominate yourself.

The Change Agent of the Year is rewarded for acting as a role model that inspire others to find sustainable solutions and will receive 1 000 US dollars to be used for continued work for a sustainable future.

In the picture are Change Agents of the Year from 2015-2023. From the top-left-corner: Ms. Fasika Minda from Ethiopia, Dr. P Kanagavel from India, Ms. Jackie Namakula from Uganda, Ms. Margaret Mutsamvi from Zimbabwe, Ms. Lucia Marroquín Mendoza from Mexico, Mr. Matthew Matimbwi from Tanzania, Mr. Noy Shoung from Cambodia and Mr. Alexandr Matrohin from Moldova.

General Information about Change Agents

In order to become a Change Agent of the Year you need to be a LIFE Alumni and a Change Agent. A Change Agent is a person, trained by LIFE Academy to act for a sustainable development in their organisation and country. There are around 2 000 LIFE Academy Change Agents in 80 countries all over the world that are part of the LIFE Academy global network.

The Change Agents create true value for their organisations and they have their focus on making changes that are sustainable, with a holistic approach taking both the environment, social and economic issues in consideration.

In the work for our common sustainable future, it is very important with role models that can inspire more people to take action for sustainable solutions. To encourage our role models, the Change Agents in our network, we award a Change Agent of the Year.

How do I nominate a Change Agent of the Year?

To nominate yourself, describe what you have done after the LIFE Academy training programme and what insights and lessons learned that you gained from the programme that contributed to a change activity. Describe the change activity, for example, how you have successfully completed a sustainability project or a sustainable change within your organisation. It is important to include the results of the change activity and how you are acting as a role model that inspire others to find sustainable solutions.

Simply send the nomination via email to with the motivation of why you should receive the award. The motivation should be approximately 250-500 words.

You are also welcome to nominate other fellow LIFE alumni with a motivation of why this person deserves to be a Change Agent of the Year.

For inspiration, you can read about previous Change Agents of the Year, here.

Selection of the Change Agent of the Year 2024

Send in your nomination at the latest October 31, 2024. In November – December, LIFE Academy staff will go through the nominations and select the Change Agent of the Year 2024. The chosen Change Agent of the Year will be notified and shortly after we will share the news on our website, Facebook and LinkedIn.