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Advanced International Training Programme on Sustainable Energy Systems September – November, 2024, with one week visit to Sweden October 12-19.

Programme Description

Target group: High level decisions makers working in energy companies or in Ministries.

This is a high-level international training programme for decisions makers working in energy companies or in Ministries who aim to take an active role in the sustainability transformation by learning how to integrate sustainability into the policy making process.

Decision makers working in the energy area in each country have a crucial role to play in the acceleration of the green energy transition. Choosing sustainable energy systems is more important than ever and increasingly becoming recognized as the only path for future.

Countries and societies are experiencing pressure to align their goals and actions with national and global sustainability directives and new regulatory frameworks are adding to the complexity, forcing energy companies and ministries to comply in order to keep up with a rapidly changing world.

This exclusive training programme offers a highly collaborative learning environment where participants explore and learn from each other and from leading experts in the field of sustainable energy systems. The programme leans on Sweden’s outstanding journey of innovation and sustainable leadership, with a long history of groundbreaking decisions leading towards the green transition in society we see today.

The programme will cover crucial issues for a country’s future development. This includes seeking the answers to the following questions: What does the green transition mean for a society and for a country? How can a sustainable energy system contribute to economic, social, and environmental sustainability?

This training programme aims to create action-oriented, courageous, and competent decisions makers who, during the programme, will be provided with tools, knowledge, motivation, and networks to confidently initiate the sustainability transformation of their energy system.

A central outcome of the programme is for every participant to create a draft to a roadmap for how to
integrate/start the transition towards a sustainable energy system in their country.

The Programme in Short

  • 3 months in total
  • 3 online webinars in the introductory phase
  • 1 week programme in Sweden
  • 2 online webinars in the final phase
  • Comprehensive online reading and video material for self-paced studies

Why Visit Sweden?

There are several reasons to visit Sweden to be inspired and get concrete examples of how a country can carry out a transformation towards a sustainable society. Here are some arguments, Sweden is ranked:

#1 in the Global Sustainability Rating (2022).

#2 in the Global Innovation Index (2023).

#4 in the Global Connectivity Index (2022).

In addition, Sweden has a leading position in the EU’s ambitious work on becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The European Green Deal is a very ambitious package of measures that should enable European citizens and businesses to benefit from sustainable green transition. Sweden is taking a lead, reaching a 60% share of the gross final energy consumption from renewable sources in 2022, compared to the average of 23.0% in the European Union.

General Programme Outline

The programme will be based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and Agenda 2030. These sustainability concepts are the basis of learning throughout the programme. In order to gain a better understanding of the need for a transition to a sustainable energy system, the participants will be given a global energy outlook of today, and how it might look in the future.

The participants will be able to reflect on the energy situation in their own country and what steps that are needed in the transition towards a sustainable energy system. As an inspiration, the participants will be guided through the ongoing transition process in EU and Sweden. The programme will describe policies and actions that has contributed to the comparatively sustainable energy system that Sweden has today. Even though Sweden has taken important steps towards a sustainable energy system, there are still more actions to take, and an important insight is that increased cooperation is necessary to reach the sustainability goals. Our hope is therefore that the programme will promote an active network where experiences from different organisations and countries will promote the transition work.

The programme is based on a high level of active participation and collaboration among the participants
and their organisations with a mixture of pedagogical methods such as lectures, group work, forum discussions, case studies, study visits, networking and sharing of knowledge. The focus of the programme will be on creating an understanding of what a sustainable energy system can look like and how the transition can be realized.

Methods and tools for how to make sustainable choices will be presented and how the impact of these decisions will affect the outcome will be introduced.


  • In-house competence about sustainable energy systems and capacity to integrate sustainability into the organisations goals and activities.
  • Professional support for overcoming challenges in creating a sustainable roadmap within the organisation that will strengthen the impact and understanding of benefits of extensive sustainability work.
  • Opportunities for collaboration through an extensive international professional network.
  • Increased knowledge and understanding of the important decisions, the benefits and how to stay on top of environmental regulations and challenges in a rapidly changing environment.
  • Highly motivated staff capable of leading the sustainability transformation in the organisation.


  • Increased knowledge and understanding for the need to transform your current energy system by integrating sustainability.
  • Confidence in navigating in the complex field of sustainable energy systems and keeping up to date with the ongoing development.
  • Access to an extensive international network of professionals and like-minded sustainability pioneers across the world as a member of the LIFE Alumni network upon completion of the programme.
  • A holistic understanding of opportunities and challenges within sustainable energy systems and practical experience from study visits and lectures in Sweden.
  • Leverage to spearhead the sustainability transition in your organisation and expand your skillset.

“This training programme aims to create action-oriented, courageous, and competent leaders who have been provided with the right tools, knowledge, motivation, and networks to confidently lead the sustainability transformation in their organisation.” 

Programme Content and Structure

During the introductory phase participants are introduced to overall knowledge on different energy systems. The participants will also get an overview of the state of the climate change, the current sustainability regulatory landscape, and the most common sustainability frameworks.

Skillful experts will guide you through different energy sources such as hydro power, solar and wind power and the advantages and disadvantages with the different systems.

The introductory phase is followed by an exclusive visit to Sweden for an in-depth experience of sustainable energy systems in practice. For one week the participants will strengthen networking in the group, deepen learning and expand the opportunity to understand the journey Sweden have gone through and the different steps and decisions taken to make a transition towards the goal of reaching a sustainable energy system. This phase is based on Sweden’s leading position in innovation, care for sustainability work and understanding of the importance that we all have to work together for a sustainable future.

There will be a focus on experiences from Sweden were ecological, social, and economic sustainability have been developed in symbiosis, not at the expense of any of the different spectrums.

It will be an intense week of networking, exclusive study visits, presentations from leading energy systems experts, collaboration, discussions, and social activities. Participants will continue to work on their roadmap and how to integrate sustainability into their policy work with the help and guidance of sustainability energy experts.

The final phase will be a forward-looking phase where the participants work with strategic goal setting, creating a sustainability roadmap with a stakeholder focus on how to understand the importance of practicing sustainability communication to make sure that sustainability is fully implemented.

The week in Sweden is October 12-19, 2024. In brief the week in Sweden is planned to consist of:


Arrivals to Stockholm.


Sightseeing and free time in Stockholm.


Focus on framing the week, dive into understanding strengths and weaknesses of the energy system in your country as a foundation for continued work throughout the programme. Team building activity with the unique possibility to visit the beautiful archipelago of Stockholm exploring with your own eyes nature and water exposed to a dedicated work to protect nature. Spending the afternoon in Stockholm archipelago.


Focus on the sustainable, circular city of the future. See how courageous leadership can transform cities to become sustainable through knowledge and dedicated work, a strive towards sustainability and devoted teamwork of many actors of the city. We spend the day outside in the city making different study visits to see and explore the green sustainability transformation.


A day on the move. We will leave Stockholm and head towards a city called Eskilstuna where we will visit the Swedish Energy Authority. We will be guided through policy frameworks that ensure affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy services. We will also experience their test lab – a basis for energy labeling and market control for energy efficient lighting and appliances. We will also visit a municipal energy facility. Arriving at Karlstad (hometown of LIFE Academy) late evening.


Focus on group work exercises to create understanding of the decisions that need to be taken and what we need to do in order to hand over a sustainable world to our children. Continued coaching (to develop your roadmap) from leading experts within the energy systems area throughout the day.


A day dedicated to future energy systems. We will visit a private company acting as a role model to other companies in the private sector, in the region on how to continuously make business decisions based on sustainability in every part of their company “structure”. We will also visit the Municipality of Karlstad to understand the importance of having dedicated politicians and civil servants working together to build a sustainable future for its citizens. We end the week with a Concluding Dinner with music, culture and networking activities.


Departures from Karlstad or alternatively extended stay in Sweden at your own expense. Why not take the chance to see the sensational northern lights or experience the colorful autumn, silent Swedish nature on a nature hike? Maybe expand your adventure and visit one of our neighboring countries, Norway, Denmark, or Finland with easy access via bus, train, boat or plane? Scandinavia is a very safe place to visit and explore.

Participants in Sweden from previous LIFE Academy programme.

In the final phase the focus is on gathering all the knowledge and insights from the introductory phase and the visit in Sweden and using it to create a strategic roadmap to implement sustainability in the participants’ organisation. The roadmap should contribute to the development of strategic decisions developing sustainability and the green transition of your energy systems. The workshops and learning materials are a continuation of the last day in Sweden and focus on topics such as setting strategic goals, sustainability communication, change management and how to integrate this roadmap into the policies to promote a green transition.


Participants who complete the programme will be awarded a diploma. In order to receive a diploma, the following criteria must be met:
a) participation in all phases of the programme,
b) accomplish assignments in due time to the deadlines.

Practical Information


The Sustainable Energy Systems Programme will be organised and conducted in English. Fluency in English is therefore required.


Owing to the fact that the Sustainable Energy Systems Programme consists of international travels and work away from home in a new environment, good health and full working capacity are conditioned.


In order to participate fully you need internet access and a computer/smart phone. You will be invited to the online learning management system LIFE Network where you will be required to use certain software to access reading material or video lectures, such as a PDF Reader, Microsoft Power Point presentations, Word, Excel, and YouTube. We recommend that you use Google Chrome as your internet browser as we have found that this is the best browser for the platform. For our online webinars we will be using Zoom.


Applications are assessed on individual and organisational merits. Approximately 25-30 participants will be selected for each batch of the training programme taking into account that the participants bring diversity to the group through their various backgrounds and professional qualifications.

Once selected, the participants are required to attend all scheduled parts of the programme.


The programme fee is 4 300 USD and covers full programme training, study visits and expert coaching activities as well as study programme literature, video lectures and documentation.

During the week in Sweden the following is covered:

  • Single room accommodation.
  • All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, morning, and afternoon coffee/tea).
  • Local transportation in Sweden (except airport transfer).
  • Sightseeing, networking events and social and cultural activities.

What is not included?

Travel to and from Stockholm, Sweden, from your country, airport transfer, visa fee and travel- and medical insurance are not included in the programme fee and are expected to be arranged and covered by the participant or their employer at own expense.


Participants are responsible for obtaining visa if needed for the Sweden Week.


Participants are responsible for arranging their own travel and medical insurance for the Sweden Week.


The application must be submitted before the closing date August 5, 2024. Please find the application form by clicking the button below.

The selection starts after the closing date for applications and is expected to be completed a week after the closing date for application. Once the selection has been made, LIFE Academy will contact all applicants. Full payment will be expected to be made by September 2. The programme starts with access to the online learning platform the second week of September.


For any enquiry or question you may have, please contact us by email on

Download Programme Brochure

Management and Experts in the Programme

The training programme is carried out under the management of LIFE Academy, Karlstad, Sweden. The team of organisers and experts include Swedish and international experts, all with extensive experience within their respective fields. You will among others meet the following.

Kristina Landfors, Senior Consultant at Anthesis AB

Kristina Landfors is working as a senior consultant in Sustainable Energy Systems at Anthesis AB. Kristina has extensive experience as a consultant focusing on energy efficiency and renewable energy. She has had the role of project and process manager in several national and international projects. She has conducted several training programmes on behalf of the Swedish Energy Agency, and she has been leading international training programmes funded by Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Kristina’s experience in the field of energy covers more than 30 years. Her experiences from several different employers and projects have given her a broad knowledge ranging from hands-on energy measures to strategy, analysis and how to lead change processes.

Portrait photo Therese Rosenblad, LIFE Academy staff.

Therese Rosenblad, Project Manager and International
Coordinator at LIFE Academy

Therese Rosenblad is an experienced Project Manager and Process Leader of advanced international training programmes with 20+ years in the field. She has managed programmes with a mixture of key stakeholders from the business-, civil society-, academia-, public-, and financial sectors in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Most recently she has been the Project Manager for the Capacity Development Programme on Renewable Energy for eight African countries and an EU-financed cooperation project with partner organisations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Italy.

Dr.-Ing Matthew Josephat Matimbwi, Renewable Energy
and Energy Efficiency Expert

Dr.-Ing Matthew Josephat Matimbwi is an expert in renewable energy and energy efficiency with experience of 30 years. Dr.-Ing. Matimbwi holds a Diploma in Wind Power Planning (LIFE Academy) and Use, M.Sc. Appropriate Technologies and Extension Skills and PhD in Solar Photovoltaics from the University of Flensburg. Dr.-Ing. Matimbwi has been working in supporting training programmes of LIFE Academy at the roles of local coordinator and regional mentor for more than 10 years. Dr.-Ing Matimbwi has international training experience through working as a lecturer at the Technical University of Wildau, Germany, through teaching international programmes on renewable energy technologies. Dr.-Ing. Matimbwi has a good experience of networking which he has been transferring to its mentees in many international training programmes.

Ana-Karin Municio, Project Manager at SWECO

Ana-Karin is an accomplished consultant at SWECO, specializing in renewable energy and sustainable development, particularly in developing countries. With a robust background in project design and planning, Ana-Karin excels in analyzing interventions through a lens of environmental and economic sustainability, efficiency, and socio-economic benefits. Her extensive coordination experience within the energy sector, coupled with her management proficiency in international environments, positions her as a valuable asset. Ana-Karin has also experience from climate change policy, Clean Development Mechanism framework, and carbon markets. In total, her background and knowledge provides a solid foundation for mentoring in energy project financing. Additionally, her tenure at Sida and the Swedish Energy Agency underscores her authority in energy-related issues. Ana-Karin also contributes as a trainer and mentor in international programmes, emphasizing gender mainstreaming, inclusion, and transparency. With a deep understanding of energy systems and field experience in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ana-Karin is adept at addressing end-users’ energy needs and navigating barriers to sustainable solutions.

Sumaya Mahomed, Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Expert

Sumaya Mahomed is a seasoned sustainable development and renewable energy expert with 16+ years of experience. Holding a Masters in Sustainable Development, MBA, Bachelors in Chemical Engineering, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering, Sumaya founded Wekeza Energy in 2018, offering consultancy services in energy access, renewable energy, and sustainable development. As a board member of the Institute of Energy Professionals Africa, she influences industry standards. Notably, Sumaya led the implementation of the Utilities 2.0 project in Uganda which won the 2023 Ashden Award for Integrated Energy Africa. She has contributed to the development of Isolated Grid Regulations and managed the award-winning City of Cape Town’s Energy Efficiency Demand Side Management programme, recognized internationally. Sumaya was awarded the 2022 Energy Manager of the Year Award by the Association of Energy Engineers and continues to drive impactful projects in South and East Africa.

Magnus Nilsson, CEO at Glava Energy Center

Civil engineer with experience in managerial positions at ABB and Electrolux. Entered the solar industry in 2005 as a project manager for REC ScanModule in Hillringsberg. Also partly led the construction of the solar module factory at REC Solar in Singapore. Stimulated by witnessing sustainable innovations, companies, communities, and regions develop and thrive.

Dr. Ajith Gopi, Additional Chief Technical Manager, Agency for New and Renewable Energy Research and Technology (ANERT)

Dr. Ajith Gopi is the Additional Chief Technical Manager at the Agency for New and Renewable Energy Research and Technology (ANERT), Department of Power, Government of Kerala, and serves as the Chair of the IEEE Power & Energy Society Kerala Chapter. He leads initiatives in Solar PV Consultancy, Floating Solar, Solar-Wind Hybrid Power Plants, Wind Energy Programmes, and Solar & E-Mobility training. Dr. Gopi has spearheaded Kerala’s first Solar IPP Project and the Remote Village Electrification Programme, electrifying thousands of tribal families with solar microgrids and home systems. His extensive consultancy experience includes leading projects for Parsons Brinckerhoff and SunTechnics India Pvt. Ltd., managing significant solar and wind energy projects across India and internationally. Dr. Gopi’s research, linked to UN SDGs, has been recognized by Elsevier. He is a distinguished speaker, reviewer for prestigious journals, and faculty for numerous development programmes in engineering education.

Quotes from LIFE Academy Alumni

”That presentation around climate change that we did, I think changed my view, my purpose in life, just that one session.”

Peter Musinguzi Mwesiga, Uganda

”LIFE Academy is an extraordinary institution leader on environmental topics and sustainable development that promotes human resources of high environmental profile. The course has been one of the most important experiences in my life and has had a great impact on my personal and professional life.”

Lucy Marroquin, Mexico

“It is knowledge that I use on a day-to-day basis. Whether I am just advising a customer or having a casual talk with my peers, and they are complaining about the bill, I am always talking about how they can save energy (…). I am always going into those discussions because of the knowledge I have from the LIFE Academy programme.”

Daisydaria Muleya Michelo, Zambia

”LIFE Academy changed my perspective in appreciation of sustainable development, knowledge that I gained during my stay with them (…). This helped me in putting sustainability into my own business.”

Noel Gabriel, Philippines

”I’ve got the best knowledge, experience, and international network I’ve ever had in my life because of LIFE Academy!”

Fasika Minda, Ethiopia

“Great and wonderful life changing experience.”

Bugota Saganda, Tanzania

“I founded my company based on the knowledge and experience gained during the time spent with LIFE Academy. I commend LIFE Academy for continuing to offer lifetime opportunities for everyone.”

Freddy Ntshavheni, South Africa