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Third Issue of the Project GETA Bulletin

Project GETA (Gaming for Energy Transition of Rural Areas) can now present the third issue of the GETA Project Bulletin.

This project aims to support the energy transition in the Western Balkans through practical methods and the education of young people from rural areas, particularly those affected by energy poverty in their households.

Read the Bulletin here.
Visit the project web page for more information.

Project GETA is supported by the EU Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS) and implemented by the Consortium of the organisations:

  • Stiftelsen LIFE International Foundation for Ecology (LF), Sweden
  • University Polytechnic of Marche (UNIVPM), Italy
  • Environmental and Territorial Manag.Institute (ETMI), Albania
  • Regional ED. and IN. Centre for Sustainable Development IN SEE (REIC), Bosnia
  • Municipality of Kavaje, Albania (MOK), Albania